Our vision is to see God’s power for healing operating back in the body of Christ, and we believe heaven is closer to the earth now than at any time in history. His Kingdom is now here but it’s not yet fully here, but it will be much more fully here and much more
Quickly here, if we obey Jesus and do what He commands us to do. As we become ‘believing doers’ we’ll be releasers of miracles, healings and signs and wonders. Then we can say ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand’. It’s indeed touchable!
The powerful signs and wonders anointing that was upon John G. Lake, who started Healing Rooms is being transferred to Healing Rooms all over the world and then to the body of Christ as we work to serve the local church and be a blessing to them as we co-operate together to establish His Kingdom on the earth through miracles, healings, signs and wonders. We believe the Holy Spirit is revealing clearer revelation about healing now than ever before and that heaven is closer to the earth than ever before too.

“Man of faith”

Director of Healing Rooms
Healing Rooms is amongst many inspirational ministries that in word and deed declare that “The Lord is our Rock.”
What the Holy Spirit started through John G. Lake in 1898 the Holy Spirit will complete in and through the Church. “A fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord and water the valley of the Acacias” Joel 3 v 18b.
John G. Lake died in 1935 and the generational wells of healing were re-dug by Cal Pierce and his team. Cal fasted and prayed for 40 days culminating in Healing Rooms re-opening in 1999 with Cal Pierce as its Director.
“So that the anointing for healing is transferred
Cal Pierce
from somebody to the body.”